Scoot Fit are the No1 nationwide professional scooting company bringing scooting to schools, special schools, nurseries and birthday parties. We provide one off scooter training/reward days or set schools up with their own scooting program and scooters so they can scoot all year round.
Who are Scoot Fit?
We sell scooters, safety equipment and ramps to members of the public, schools and nurseries.
Our Scoot Fit 3 wheel scooters are the best on the market and best price, we also sell 2 wheel scooters.
Why participate in ScootFit?
Scooting uses the same large muscle groups as running but is much more fun. Scoot Fit reduces stress on the bones and joints making movement easier, more comfortable and more sustainable than running.
Scoot Fit can be regarded as a core activity helping develop and improve agility, balance, co-ordination, muscle strength and endurance greatly benefiting any other sporting activity.
This makes Scoot Fit a great activity for everybody
Faster than walking
20 minute walk can be done in 5 minutes on a scooter
Burn more calories
Scooting is an all over body workout, burning 30% more calories than cycling
2 year olds up to 80 year olds can scoot together
Safer than cycling
You scoot on the pavement, not the road.
Active Travel
Scooting is the future of Active Travel

Targeting less-active, overweight and obese children
It’s really beneficial for children and adults who don’t enjoy running and find it just too difficult and run out of stamina.
On the flip side, if any children or adults enjoy running, Scoot Fit is the perfect activity to complement their interest and provide a more resistant type of running with less injuries.
When people have been exposed to Scoot Fit new skills and techniques are developed. Users will have a new found confidence and ability for scooting which will encourage them to start scooting as part of their daily lifestyle.
For further information on any of our services please get in touch
Look at what Ofsted
had to say about
our Scooter Club
at Fiddlers Lane Primary School, Salford.